Gods and rural paranoia

The gods, the weather gods are angry with us! Never should I have mentioned the mildness of this year’s beginning.  The Blue-Faced Hag, ‘Cailleach Bheur’ the Celtic goddess of winter, woke up, dumped some 10 cm of snow on La Chaise, its fields and...


Weather-wise, the first days of the year have not been too bad.  The temperatures have been reasonable, the rain moderate – with a few exceptional days when it managed to get in under the roof tiles.  The main feature of this past fortnight has been the mildness of...

First read the manual

Christmas at La Chaise was mild chaos.  We managed to sit out on the terrace in bright sun for pre-lunch drinks twice.  The temperature was in double figures, low but double nevertheless.  The Rayburn behaved itself, even getting a little too hot at times.  But the...